Chemistry Department
Headshot of Professor Mary Carroll

Mary K. Carroll '86

Job Title
Dwane W. Crichton Professor of Chemistry
Wold Center 125

Areas of expertise

Aerogels; Analytical Chemistry; Chemical Sensing; Materials Chemistry

Research interests

Since the 2001-02 academic year, my main research focus has been on the fabrication, characterization and applications of aerogel materials. Prof. Ann Anderson (Union C. Mechanical Engineering Dept.) and I co-direct the Aerogel Lab, a highly productive, cross-disciplinary research group. Union College undergraduate students and faculty members have developed and patented an alternate approach to preparing aerogels. In addition to fundamental studies of the novel fabrication process, our team investigates applications of aerogels in areas as diverse as aerogel-based windows for sustainable buildings and catalytic aerogels for automotive pollution mitigation.

Teaching interests

CHM 090 The Art & Science of Painting [cross-listed as AAH 205]
CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry I & Lab
CHM 102 Introductory Chemistry II & Lab
CHM 110H Honors Introductory Chemistry
CHM 240 Analytical Chemistry & Lab
CHM 340 Chemical Instrumentation & Lab

I teach courses for majors (in both general and analytical chemistry) and those for non-majors. In all of these, I engage students in rigorous, laboratory-based scientific inquiry.

Additional media


  • American Chemical Society, President, 2024.
  • American Chemical Society, President-elect, 2023.
  • Stillman Prize for Faculty Excellence in Research, Union College, 2021.
  • Fellow, American Chemical Society, 2016.
  • 100 Inspiring Women in STEM Award, INSIGHT into Diversity magazine, 2015.
  • Faculty Meritorious Service Award, Union College Alumni Council, 2012.
  • Outstanding Service Award, New York Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 2009.
  • Stillman Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Union College, 1995.

Publications & Recent Funding

  • Publications

    Key: * indicates undergraduate student co-author; ** indicates masters student co-author; *** indicates high-school student co-author.

    • Bradford A. Bruno, Ann M. Anderson, **Anna Hoffman, Mary K. Carroll. "Comparative catalytic performance of PGM-nanoparticle-doped alumina Xerogels and aerogels for potential application in automotive pollution mitigation." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024, 636, 122994. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2024.122994
    • Mary K. Carroll and Ann M. Anderson. “Twenty Years of Aerogel Research at an Undergraduate Institution.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, in press. DOI: 10.1007/s10971-022-06034-1
    • Costanza Vittoria Fiorini, Francesca Merli, Elisa Belloni, Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll and Cinzia Buratti. “Small-scale glazing systems with thin monolithic aerogel: optical, thermal, and color rendering performance.” Energy & Buildings, 2022, 288, 113009. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113009
    • Costanza Vittoria Fiorini, Francesca Merli, Elisa Belloni, Mary K. Carroll, Ann M. Anderson and Cinzia Buratti, “Long-Term Performance of Monolithic Silica Aerogel with Different Hydrophobicities: Physical and Color Rendering Properties after an Accelerated Aging Process.” Invited paper in special issue “International Perspectives on Aerogels,” and Issue Cover of Gels, 2023, 9(3), 210. DOI: 10.3390/gels9030210
    • Costanza Vittoria Fiorini, Francesca Merli, Elisa Belloni, Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll and Cinzia Buratti. “Optical and color rendering long-term performance of monolithic aerogel after laboratory accelerated aging: development of a method and preliminary experimental results.” Solar Energy, 2023, 253, 515-526. DOI: 10.10106/j.solener.2023.01.030
    • Ann M. Anderson, Bradford A. Bruno, Joana Santos, Patrick J. Barry*, and Mary K. Carroll “PGM Nanoparticle-Based Alumina Aerogels for Three-Way Catalyst Applications.” Catalysis Communications, 2022, 172, 106547. DOI: 10.1016/j.catcom.2022.106547
    • Ann M. Anderson, Bradford A Bruno, Joana Santos, Chris Avanessian*, and Mary K. Carroll “Effect of Slurry Processing on the Properties of Catalytically Active Copper-Alumina Aerogel Material for Applications in Three-Way Catalysis.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2022, 102, 422-436.
    • Mary K. Carroll, Ann M. Anderson, Sri Teja Mangu, Zineb Hajjaj*, and Margeaux Capron* “Aesthetic Aerogel Window Design for Sustainable Buildings.” Invited manuscript, Sustainability 2022, 14, 2887.
    • Allison M. Stanec*, Zineb Hajjaj*, Mary K. Carroll, and Ann M. Anderson “Aesthetically Enhanced Silica Aerogel via Incorporation of Etching and Dyes.” Invited submission to the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), 2021, 169, e61986. DOI: 10.3791/61986.
    • Ann M. Anderson, Bradford A. Bruno, Frank Dilone*, Matthew T. LaRosa*, Thomas F. Andre*, Chris Avanessian*, and Mary K. Carroll “Effect of Copper Loading in Copper-Alumina Aerogels on Three-Way Catalytic Performance.” Emission Control Science and Technology, 2020, 6, 324-335 (special issue associated with 2019 CLEERS Workshop). DOI: 10.1007/s40825-020-00165-z
    • Allison M. Stanec*, Ann M. Anderson, Chris Avanessian*, and Mary K. Carroll “Analysis and Characterization of Etched Silica Aerogels.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2020, 94, 406–415. DOI: 10.1007/s10971-020-05256-5
    • Luisa F. Posada*, Mary K. Carroll, Ann M. Anderson, and Bradford A. Bruno "Inclusion of Ceria in Alumina- and Silica-Based Aerogels for Catalytic Applications." Invited manuscript, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2019, 152, 104536. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2019.05.004.
    • Michele Zinzi, Giuseppe Rossi, Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll, Elisa Moretti & Cinzia Buratti, “Optical and Visual Experimental Characterization of a Glazing System with Monolithic Silica Aerogel.” Solar Energy, 2019, 183, 30-39.
    • Francesca Merli, Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll and Cinzia Buratti, “Acoustic Measurements on Monolithic Aerogel Samples and Application of the Selected Solutions to Standard Window Systems.” Applied Acoustics, 2018, 142, 123-131.
    • Ann M. Anderson, Bradford A. Bruno, Elizabeth A. Donlon*, Luisa F. Posada* and Mary K. Carroll “Fabrication and Testing of Catalytic Aerogels Prepared via Rapid Supercritical Extraction.” Invited paper, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018, 138, e57075. DOI: 10.3791/57075
    • Osman Karatum, Md Mainul H. Bhuiya, Mary K. Carroll, Ann M. Anderson and Desirée L. Plata “Life cycle assessment of aerogel manufacture on small and large scales: Weighing the use of advanced materials in oil spill remediation.” Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2018, 22(6), 1365-1377. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12720
    • Ioannis Michalou(di)s, Mary K. Carroll, Samuel Kupiec*, Kian Cook*, Ann M. Anderson, “Facile Method for Surface Etching of Silica Aerogel Monoliths.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2018, 87, 22-26. DOI: 10.1007/s10971-017-4425-9
    • Zachary M. Tobin*, Luisa F. Posada*, Aude M. Bechu*, Mary K. Carroll, Ryan M. Bouck*, Ann M. Anderson and Bradford A. Bruno “Preparation and Characterization of Copper-containing Alumina and Silica Aerogels for Catalytic Applications." Invited manuscript, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., 2017, 84, 432-445. DOI 10.1007/s10971-017-4425-9
    • Ann M. Anderson, Elizabeth A. Donlon*, Adam A. Forti*, Vinicius Silva***, Bradford A. Bruno, Mary K. Carroll “Synthesis and Characterization of Copper-Nanoparticle-Containing Silica Aerogel Prepared Via Rapid Supercritical Extraction for Applications in Three-Way Catalysis.” MRS Advances, 2017, 1–6.
    • Ryan M. Bouck*, Ann M. Anderson, Chetna Prasad*, Michael E. Hagerman and Mary K. Carroll, “Cobalt-alumina Sol Gels: Effects of Heat Treatment on Structure and Catalytic Ability.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016, 453, 94-102.
    • Md Mainul H. Bhuiya, Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll, Bradford A. Bruno, Jennifer L. Ventrella*, Benjamin Silberman*, Bahram Keramati, “Preparation of monolithic silica aerogel for fenestration applications: scaling up, reducing cycle time and improving performance.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55, 6971-6981. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00769
    • Bradford A. Bruno, Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll, Paul Brockmann*, Thomas Swanton*, Isaac A. Ramphal*, Timothy Palace*, “Benchtop Scale Testing of Aerogel Catalysts.” SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-920, 2016.
    • Leah C. Smith*, Ann M. Anderson and Mary K. Carroll “Preparation of vanadia-containing aerogels by rapid supercritical extraction for applications in catalysis.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2016, 77, 160-171.
    • Stephen J. Juhl*, Nicholas J. H. Dunn*, Mary K. Carroll, Ann M. Anderson, Bradford A. Bruno, José E. Madero*, Michael S. Bono, Jr.* “Epoxide-Assisted Alumina Aerogels by Rapid Supercritical Extraction.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, 426, 141-149.
    • Justin E. Rodriguez**, Ann M. Anderson, and Mary K. Carroll “Hydrophobicity and Drag Reduction Properties of Surfaces Coated with Silica Aerogels and Xerogels.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2014, 71, 490-500.
    • Suzanne K. Estok*, Thomas A. Hughes IV***, Mary K. Carroll and Ann M. Anderson “Fabrication and Characterization of TEOS-Based Silica Aerogels Prepared using Rapid Supercritical Extraction.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2014, 70(3), 371-377.
    • Mary K. Carroll, Ann M. Anderson and Caroline A. Gorka* “Preparing Silica Aerogel Monoliths via a Rapid Supercritical Extraction Method.” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2014, 84, DOI: 10.3791/51421.
    • Mary K. Carroll, “Moving from Recommendations to Innovations: Increasing the Relevancy and Effectiveness of Chemistry Education.” Invited Commentary in Journal of Chemical Education, 2013, 90, 816-819.
    • Lauren B. Brown*, Ann M. Anderson and Mary K. Carroll, “Fabrication of Titania and Titania-Silica Aerogels using Rapid Supercritical Extraction.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2012, 62(3), 404-413.
    • Ondrej Nikel**, Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll and William D. Keat “Effect of Uni-axial Loading on the Nanostructure of Silica Aerogels.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2011, 357(16-17), 3176-3183.
    • Michael S. Bono, Jr.*, Ann M. Anderson, and Mary K. Carroll “Alumina Aerogels Prepared via Rapid Supercritical Extraction.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2010, 53(2), 216-226.
    • Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll, Emily C. Green*, Jason T. Melville*, and Michael S. Bono*, “Hydrophobic Silica Aerogels Prepared via Rapid Supercritical Extraction.” Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2010, 53(2), 199-207.
    • Ann M. Anderson, Caleb W. Wattley* and Mary K. Carroll, “Silica Aerogels Prepared via Rapid Supercritical Extraction: Effect of Process Variables on Aerogel Properties,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2009, 355(2), 101-108.
    • Timothy B. Roth*, Ann M. Anderson and Mary K. Carroll, “Analysis of a Rapid Supercritical Extraction Aerogel Fabrication Process: Prediction of Thermodynamic Conditions during Processing.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008, 354, 3685-3693.
    • Ann M. Anderson, Timothy B. Roth*, Matthew R. Ernst*, and Mary K. Carroll, “Saturated Liquid Densities and Vapor Pressures of Tetramethylorthosilicate Measured Using a Constant Volume Apparatus.” Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2008, 53, 1015-1020.
    • Lisa A. Saccocio** and Mary K. Carroll, “Density Determination by Water Displacement and Flotation: An Introductory Experiment in Forensic Chemistry.” Journal of Chemical Education, 2006, 83, 1187-1189.
    • Ben M. Gauthier*, Smitesh D. Bakrania*, Ann M. Anderson, and Mary K. Carroll, “A Fast Supercritical Extraction Technique for Aerogel Fabrication.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, 350, 238-243.
    • Ann M. Anderson, Smitesh D. Bakrania*, Jan Konecny*, Ben M. Gauthier*, and Mary K. Carroll, “Detecting Sol-Gel Transition using Light Transmission.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, 350, 259-265.
    • Desiree L. Plata*, Yadira J. Briones*, Rebecca L. Wolfe*, Mary K. Carroll, Smitesh D. Bakrania*, Shira G. Mandel*, and Ann M. Anderson, “Aerogel-Platform Optical Sensors for Oxygen Gas.” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, 350, 326-335.
    • Andrew M. Leach*, Marc A. Unger*, Melissa J. Morris*, and Mary K. Carroll, “Compact, Multipurpose, Diode-Laser-Based Photometer.” The Chemical Educator, 2003, 8(2), 146-150.
    • Mary K. Carroll, Marc. A. Unger*, Andrew M. Leach*, Melissa J. Morris*, Christine M. Ingersoll and Frank V. Bright, ”Interactions between Methylene Blue and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in Aqueous Solution Studied by Molecular Spectroscopy.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1999, 53, 780-784.
    • Jonathan C. Wedvik**, Charity McManaman*, Janet S. Anderson and Mary K. Carroll, “Intermolecular Forces in Introductory Chemistry Studied by Gas Chromatography, Computer Models and Viscometry.” Journal of Chemical Education, 1998, 75, 885-888.
    • Michelle A. Spaziani*, James L. Davis*, Manisha Tinani*, and Mary K. Carroll, “On-line Determination of Sulfide by the ‘Methylene Blue Method’ with Diode-laser-based Fluorescence Detection.” The Analyst, 1997, 122, 1555-1557.
    • T.C. Werner and Mary K. Carroll, “The Evolution of a Laboratory Syllabus in Quantitative Analysis.” The Chemical Educator,November, 1997, Springer-Verlag (This is an online journal:
    • T.S. Pannhorst* and Mary K. Carroll “Simple Method for Immobilization and Characterization of Cationic Indicators on an Optically Clear Polystyrene Surface.” Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry,1995, 351, 807-809.
    • Roger T. Echols, Mary K. Carroll, and Julian F. Tyson “Flow Injection Study of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction.” Analytical Proceedings, 1995, 32, 3-5.
    • Mary K. Carroll, Michael Conboy, Asaph Murfin, and Julian F. Tyson “Solid-State Microprocessor-Controlled Detector for Doublet Peak Measurements in Flow Injection Analysis.” Analytica Chimica Acta, 1994, 295, 143-149.
    • Mary K. Carroll and Julian F. Tyson “Diode-Laser-Based Detector for Doublet Peak Measurements in Flow Injection Analysis.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1994, 48, 276-278.
    • Mary K. Carroll and Julian F. Tyson “An Experiment Using Time-Based Detection in Flow Injection Analysis.” Journal of Chemical Education, 1993, 70, A210-211, A215-216.
    • Mary K. Carroll, Richard M. Miller, Richard A. Keller, and Gary M. Hieftje “On the Feasibility of Passive Optical Separation of Scatter and Fluorescence.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1992, 46, 442-447.
    • Mary K. Carroll and Gary M. Hieftje “A Novel Fiber-Optic-Based Pump-Probe Instrument for the Acquisition of Kinetic Information.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1992, 46, 317-321.
    • Mary K. Carroll and Gary M. Hieftje “New Fiber-Optic-Based Instrumentation for the Measurement of Low-Temperature Phosphorescence Intensities and Lifetimes.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1992, 46, 126-130.
    • Mary K. Carroll and Gary M. Hieftje “Effect of Optical-Fiber Length on the Width of a Transmitted Laser Pulse: Comparison of Theoretical Calculations and Experimentally Measured Pulses.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1991, 45, 1053-1056.
    • Mary K. Carroll, Frank V. Bright, and Gary M. Hieftje “Fiber-Optic Time-Resolved Fluorescence Sensor for the Simultaneous Determination of Al(III) and Ga(III) or In(III).” Analytical Chemistry, 1989, 61, 1768-1772.
    • Richard T. Madison, Mary K. Carroll, and Gary M. Hieftje “Convenient Fiber-Optic-Based Sample Cell for Shpol’skii and Low-Temperature Phosphorescence Spectrometry.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1989, 43, 422-425.
    • Mary K. Carroll, Frank V. Bright, and Gary M. Hieftje “Luminescence Originating in an Optical Fiber.” Applied Spectroscopy, 1989, 43, 176-178.
  • Recent Funding
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant TIP-2303965 "SBIR Phase II: Scaling of a Rapid Aerogel Insert Manufacturing System for High Performance Windows." PI John Costa (SunThru LLC); Senior Personnel include Mary Carroll. $1,000,000, September 2023.
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant CHE-2320284. "MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of a Multifunctional Thermal Analysis Instrument for Interdisciplinary Research and Research Training in Advanced Nanomaterial Development." PI Ellen Robertson; co-PIs Christopher Whitehead, Mary Carroll, Yijing Stehle & Ann Anderson. $224,834, September 2023.
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant TIP-2225762 “PFI (Conference): Supporting Undergraduate Institutions in Technology and Entrepreneurship Development (SUITED).” PI Ann M. Anderson, co-PIs Bradford A. Bruno & Mary K. Carroll. $130,000, September 2022.
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) IIP-1918217 “PFI-TT: Aerogels as Three-Way Catalysts for Automotive Pollution Reduction” P.I. Ann Anderson; co-PIs Mary Carroll, Bradford Bruno. $249,984, July 2019; SPRINT Supplement, $49,987, July 2022.
    • 2021 Jean Dreyfus Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions. PD: Mary K. Carroll; co-PD Joanne D. Kehlbeck. $18,500, November 2021.
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) DMR-1828144 “MRI: Acquisition of a Powder X-Ray Diffractometer (PXRD) for Interdisciplinary Research and Research Training.” P.I. Michael Hagerman; senior personnel include Mary Carroll. $327,398, September 2018
    • “Union’s Beckman Scholars Program.” W. Sternberg, C. Anderson-Hanley, M. K. Carroll, L. Fleishman, K. Fox, M. Hagerman, A. Huisman, J. Kehlbeck, S. Kirkton, L. MacManus-Spencer, R. Yukilevich. Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, Funded at $104,000, December 2017.
    • New York State Energy Research & Development Authority Grant NYSERDA-87381 “Development of Aerogel-Based Window Systems.” PI: BK Keramati (Sunthru LLC); senior personnel include Ann M. Anderson, Mary K. Carroll. $51,942 sub-award to Union College. Awarded May 2016
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) IIP-1415359 “STTR Phase I: High Performance Windows for Daylighting” P.I. B.K. Keramati (Sunthru LLC), co-PI A.M. Anderson, senior personnel include M.K. Carroll. $224,840, including $134,182 subaward to Union College, July 2014
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) IIP-1332456 “I-Corps: Rapid Supercritical Fabrication of Aerogels” P.I. Ann M. Anderson, co-PI Mary K. Carroll. $50,000, May 2013.
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant CBET 1228851 “MRI: Development of an Instrument for Testing Catalytic Aerogel Materials” P.I. Bradford A. Bruno, co-PIs Ann M. Anderson & Mary K. Carroll. $276,477, September 2012.
    • National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant NSF DMR-1206631 “RUI: Catalytic Aerogel Materials” P.I. Ann M. Anderson, co-PIs Mary K. Carroll & Bradford A. Bruno. $298,677, June 2012

Academic credentials

B.S., Union College; Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington; Postdoc, University of Massachusetts, Amherst