American Studies
Bunkong Tuon, associate professor of English

Bunkong Tuon

Job Title
Associate Professor of English
Karp Hall 216

Research interests

Contemporary ethnic literature, Asian American studies, Southeast Asian American literature and history, trauma studies, testimonial discourse, creative writing, translation theory and practice, and folklore studies.


Recent events: Lecture tour for Koan Khmer; "A New Asian American Boom: A Reading List of the Cambodian American Experience" in LitHub; poems published this fall include: "Absolute Zero" in The Braided Way; "A Hole in My Stomach" featured online on August 8, 2024 and in print in volume 13.1 (2024) of Ocean State Review; "Building a House," The Midwest Quarterly (Summer 2024, print); "My Children Teach Me How to Sing to the Moon" in The Braided Way; and an ode celebrating Professor Emeritus Harry Marten, "After the News of Your Passing" One Art, November 2024.

Novel: Koan Khmer (Northwestern University Press, 2024).

Poetry Collections:

What Is Left (Jacar Press, 2024),

Dead Tongue (Yes Poetry, 2020) with Joanna C. Valente.

The Doctor Will Fix It (Shabda Press, 2019),

And So I Was Blessed (NYQ Books, 2017) Reviews: Rebecca Schumejda

Gruel (NYQ Books, 2015). Reviews: Trena Machado

Creative work in anthologies: Out of the Shadows of Angkor: Cambodian Poetry, Prose, and Performance Through the Ages, (University of Hawaii Press, 2022), Grandmothers & Grandmothering (Demeter Press, 2021),Two-Countries: U.S. Daughters and Sons of Immigrant Parents (Red Hen Press, 2017), Modern Literature of Cambodia (Nou Hach Literary Assocation, 2016), Cadence Collective (Sadie Girl Press, 2015), With Our Eyes Wide Open: Poems of the New American Century (West End Press, 2014)

Creative work in magazines/ journals: The Indianapolis Review, Copper Nickel, The Lowell Review, American Journal of Poetry, Naugatuck River Review, Modern Poetry Quarterly Review, carte blanche, Diode Poetry Journal, Jellyfish Review, Atticus Review, Luna Luna Magazine,The Mekong Review, Consequence, Numéro Cinq, Cultural Weekly, The Massachusetts Review, Poetry Quarterly, Paterson Literary Review, Chiron Review, The Más Tequila Review, Nerve Cowboy, Misfit, Bateau Ivre, The Journal of War, Literature & the Arts, The Truth About The Fact: International Journal of Literary Nonfiction and others.

Peer-reviewed scholarship: Comparative Literature Studies, Children Literature Quarterly, Mosaic, MELUS, Pedagogy, Postcolonial Text, and Culture and Poetics.

Editorial work: Poetry editor, Cultural Daily, 2023-; "Poets on Craft" weekly interviews with two poets in Cultural Weekly (82 posts, July 2020-August 2023).


“Bunkong Tuon in Conversation with Tom Simpson” at American Microreviews & Interviews (Nov. 2019)

“Interview with Bunkong Tuon, author of Gruel” at Geosi Reads (Aug. 2016)

Poetry Spoken Here # 1

Event bookings: see

Additional media


Won a 2024 Pushcart Prize for “What Is Left,” originally published in Copper Nickel. [The Pushcart Prize is an international award that recognizes the best work from small presses.]

Academic credentials

B.A., California State University at Long Beach; M.A., University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst