Michael Sitvarin, visiting assistant professor of biology, coauthored the study, "Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology," which was published this week in BMC Biology. This study investigates how different researchers analyzing the same ecological datasets can produce widely varying effect sizes and conclusions due to differences in analytical decisions.
Bunkong Tuon, associate professor of English, has recently published poetry in the Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement and Shō Poetry Journal, as well as a craft essay in Cleaver Magazine. His poem “Wanting Kids” was a runner-up for the Shō Poetry Prize. He was also interviewed about his debut novel, "Koan Khmer," at Full-Stop.
Kurt Hollocher, professor emeritus and research professor in geosciences, has just published an article in the journal Geosphere. This was a long-term research project that involved one former Union College student, Elizabeth Morgan, and three summer research students from other colleges. This paper is a new look into the origin of the huge, red garnets that were once mined on the north side of Gore Mountain and now remain exposed as a tourist attraction and scientific resource. The garnet ore deposit has been studied for well over 100 years, but is still not fully understood. The paper presents new data and new insights that the authors think advance our current understanding of their origin.
Jennifer Currey, Horace E. Dodge III Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Chair, published a guest blog post in Grading for Growth this week. Her post, "Breaking the Grading Static," discusses her transition to alternative grading methods in a sophomore-level Biomechanics I (Statics) course.
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