Emeritus and Research Professors
Jacqueline A. Smith
George H. Shaw – Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Office: F.W. Olin Center 012
Phone: (518) 388-6310
Email: shawg@union.edu
Website: G. ShawEducation:
B.S. 1967, University of Rochester; M.S. 1969, Ph.D. 1971, Geology, University of Washington
Area of Specialization:
Early Atmosphere, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geomorphic Modeling, Saving Planet Earth
Field Areas:
California, Northern Minnesota, Australia, Quebec, New York
Research Interests:
My research interests cover the entire range of Earth’s geologic history. I have proposed a model for Earth’s early surface environment and atmosphere that contrasts sharply with the currently accepted view, but which resolves several unanswered questions concerning the Earth’s (and Mars’) early climate, the origin of life, and the transition to an oxygen-rich atmosphere. I have studied the trace element geochemistry of minute phenocrysts in altered volcanic ash layers as a means of distinguishing layers from one another and correlating them over large distances. My work on the groundwater hydrogeology (and especially karst hydrology) of the Town of Wright in New York provided the town with information for use in planning. I am currently working on three additional projects: characterization of newly discovered mantle xenoliths from a locality in eastern Australia, a numerical model simulating the development of drainage networks (including stream capture), and a potentially practical method for the capture of carbon dioxide from Earth’s atmosphere.
Geology 100: Physical Geology
Geology 103: Great Moments in the History of Life
Geology 108: Earth Resources
Geology 209: Field Geology
Geology 303: Introduction to Geophysics
ENS 460: Senior Seminar Environmental StudiesPublications:
Earth’s Atmosphere – Hadean to early Proterozoic, Invited Review, Chemie der Erde, 68 (2008) 235-264.
Climate transition on Mars: a simple solution, Eos Trans. AGU,89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U23E-0091.
The Delay in Oxidation of Earth’s Atmosphere Following the Emergence of O2-producing Photosynthesis: an Explanation, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(22), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract U21D-03
Primordial Degassing of Terrestrial Planets: the Case for Reduced Carbon Compounds on the Early Surfaces, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(22), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract U21D-01.
The Faint Young Sun Paradox: a Resolution, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(22), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract P23A-07.
Carbon Isotopes, Carbon Cycling and the Early Evolution of Carbon Reservoirs, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(22), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract V72B-05.
Climate Transition on Mars: Solution and Implications, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(22), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract P21A-03. -
Kurt T Hollocher - Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Office: F.W. Olin Center 012
Phone: (518) 388-6518
Email: hollochk@union.edu
Area of Specialization:
Petrology, Geochemistry
Research interests
I work on rocks in the deeply, eroded cores of mountain belts to see what the igneous and metamorphic rocks there can tell us about the tectonic development of the original mountains. The mountains and the processes that made them are gone today, but old rocks can shed light on where and how they developed in a plate tectonic context. I also work on the chemistry of natural surface and ground waters to understand how they formed and to track contaminants, and on dinosaur fossils to better understand the fossilization processes.
Field Areas: Norway, Upstate New York
GEO 106: Restless Oceans
GEO 110: Physical Geology
GEO 220: Mineral Science
GEO 302: Geochemical Systems and Modeling
GEO 320: Origins of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
GEO 405: Senior SeminarPublications
Hollocher, K., Robinson, P., Lucas, B., and Mabee, S.B., 2018, The Prescott plutonic complex of central Massachusetts: geochemistry an d new interpretations reconciling age dates and contact relations. Northeastern Section meeting of the Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Burlington, VT.
Michel, A., Dietsch, C., Van Nostrand, M., Hollocher, K., 2018, Whole-rock geochemistry of intermediate to felsic orthogneisses in western Connecticut record volcanic arc magmatism. Northeastern Section meeting of the Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Burlington, VT.
Van Nostrand, M., Hollocher, K., and Robinson, P., 2018, Petrology and thermodynamic modeling of amphibolite facies rocks (retrograded eclogites) in the Blåhø Nappe of the Middle Allochthon, Scandinavian Caledonides in Norway. Northeastern Section meeting of the Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Burlington, VT.
Catalano, J., Hollocher, K., and Wong, M., 2009, Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and geochemistry of the Hyde School Gneiss and Rockport Granite, northwest Adirondack Lowlands. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 3, p. 109. (Poster presentation)
Hirsch, H.V.B., Possidente, D., Averill, S., Despain, T.P., Buytkins, J., Thomas, V., Goebel, W.P., Shipp-Hilts, A., Wilson, W., Hollocher, K., Possidente, B., Lnenicka, G., Ruden, D.M., (in press 2009), Variations at a quantitative trait locus (QTL) affect development of behavior in lead-exposed Drosophila melanogaster. NeuroToxicology.
Denney, A., Hirsch, D., and Hollocher, K., 2008, Determination of the duration of retrograde metamorphism at Gore Mountain, NY: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43rd annual Northeastern Section Meeting, Buffalo, NY, v. 40, no. 2, p. 21.
Hollocher, K., 2008, Origin of big garnets in amphibolites during high-grade metamorphism, Adirondacks, NY: Keck Geology Consortium, 2008 meeting at Smith College, Symposium v. 21, p. 129-134.
Hollocher, K., Stack, K., Denney, A., and Emerson, E., 2008, Petrology of big garnet amphibolites, North Creek-Warrensburg area, Adirondacks, NY: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43rd annual Northeastern Section Meeting, Buffalo, NY, v. 40, no. 2, . 21.
Stack, K., Hollocher, K., Wobus, R., 2008, Comparative analyses of the Warrensburg and Gore Mountain big-garnet amphibolites, Adirondacks Mountains, NY: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43rd annual Northeastern Section Meeting, Buffalo, NY, v. 40, no. 2, p. 22.
Hollocher, K., Robinson, P., Walsh, E., Terry, M., 2007, The Neoproterozoic Ottfjället dike swarm of the Middle Allochthon, traced geochemically into the Scandian Hinterland, Western Gneiss Region, Norway. American Journal of Science, v. 307, p. 901-953.
Regel, M.E., Walsh, E., Gehrels, G., Hollocher, K., and Robinson, P., 2008, Zircon geochronology of migmatites and pegmatites from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 42nd annual North-Central Section Meeting.
Robinson, Peter, Solli, Arne, Hollocher, Kurt, Osmundsen, per Terje, and Roberts, David, 2008, Day 5: Scandian geology of the outer Trondheimsfjord region. In Robinson, Peter, Roberts, David, Gee, D. G. and P. G. Andréasson, Editors. Guidebook: A tectonostratigraphic transect across the central Scandinavian Caledonides, 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, Day 5-p.1-37.
Robinson, Peter and Kurt Hollocher, 2008, Day 6, Part II: Geology of Trollheimen. In Robinson, Peter, Roberts, David, Gee, D. G. and P. G. Andréasson, Editors. Guidebook: A tectonostratigraphic transect across the central Scandinavian Caledonides, 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, Day 6, Part II-p.1-7.
Robinson, Peter and Hollocher, Kurt, 2008, Mafic dikes and basement cover relationships, southern coast of the islands of Midsund. In Robinson, Peter, Roberts, David, Gee, D. G. and P. G. Andréasson, Editors. Guidebook: A tectonostratigraphic transect across the central Scandinavian Caledonides, 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, Day 7, p.17-22
Academic credentials
B.S., Antioch College; M.S., University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst