The Department mourns the loss of Professor Robert Finks who passed away on May 25, 2014
Research Professor of Geology
B.S. 1947, Queens College; M.A. 1954, Ph.D. 1959, Geology, Columbia University
Research Interests:
Research was in the area of Paleontology and Paleoecology.
Recent Publications:
Finks, Robert M., Hollocher, Kurt, and Thies, Kenneth J.; A major Eocene sponge fauna (Castle Hayne Formation, North Carolina) (2011), Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science, vol. 127, no.2, pp 39-175, text-figs. 1-7, plates 1-63.
Finks, Robert M.; Hypercalcified Demosponges and the end-Permian Extinction (2010) , Global and Planetary Change, vol. 73, pp. 141-148, figures 1-15.
Finks, Robert M.; The Sponge Family Guadalupiidae in the Texas Permian (2010), Journal of Paleontology, vol. 84 (5), pp. 827-847.