Proposals for grants or subawards for external funding that will be administered by Union College and fellowships or other types of individual award programs must be reviewed and approved before they are submitted to a funding agency.
Locate funding and internal supports
GrantForward - A dynamic search engine of sponsors and funding opportunities with adaptive search filters that can personalize funding recommendations. Go to and look for the GrantForward tile to get started.
InfoEd SPIN Database – A robust tool enabling faculty to search for funding opportunities
Funding Sources – A listing of grant and fellowship opportunities
Approval Process – Information for securing internal approval to submit your proposal or grant application, as well as important requests and consideration of Union resources
Union's Faculty Research Fund – The Faculty Research Fund seeks to encourage research by Union College faculty, particularly for projects that bear a clear and significant relation to a faculty member's overall long-term scholarly program.
Union's Humanities Faculty Research Fund – The Humanities Faculty Research Fund seeks to encourage scholarship by Union faculty in the humanities and in history, particularly for projects that bear a clear and significant relation to a faculty member's overall long-term scholarly program.
Union's Conference Travel Funds – In order to support faculty research and encourage professional activities, faculty members may apply for conference travel funds.
Union's Faculty Development Nexus Site – Includes information about institutional resources to support faculty development
Research + Teaching Excellence at Union – A hub for faculty research and teaching events, information, and collaboration
Proposal writing tips and tricks
10 Common Grant-Writing Mistakes – A list of the 10 most-common nonscientific errors seen in grant writing.
Lessons Learned from 10,000 Proposal Reviews: Top Reviewer Criticisms and How to Avoid Them – This live webinar summarizes the insights gained from work reviewing thousands of science and engineering proposals each year for national, state, and university-system grant competitions. The ten most frequent reviewer criticisms and the strategies seen adopted in successful proposals to avoid those criticisms are presented. This work has spanned proposals in all fields of the sciences, engineering, technology development, and mathematics.
Advice for Meeting Directors at NSF – A how-to guide on meeting with NSF program directors and program officers
Can We Talk? Contacting Grant Program Officers – A journal article on how to master the relational demands of external funding
Rejected: Learning from 'Missed Shots' – An essay on how to use rejection to improve your grant-writing skills
Proposal Tips – Helpful suggestions for proposal development and internal approvals
NSF – The Art and Science of Reviewing Proposals – A short reviewer orientation video that provides helpful tips for writing high quality reviews
Introduction to Proposal Writing – A short introduction to proposal writing
On the Art of Writing Proposal – Some candid suggestions for applications to Social Science Research Council Competitions