Robertson Awarded NSF MSN Grant
Mariano, Math Department Awarded NSF Conference Grant
Chemistry Department Awarded 2021 Jean Dreyfus Lectureship
Seri Awarded APSA Summer Centennial Center Research Grant
College Receives National Archives Grant
Rodbell, Gillikin Awarded NSF P2C2 Grant
Dallas Awarded CFR International Affairs Fellowship
Koopmann Awarded NASA/NY Space Grant
This grant will directly support summer research fellowships for five undergraduate students, as well as opportunities to present research results.
Aerogel Team Awarded NSF Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I Grant
Through this grant, the project team will develop aerogels for use in daylighting applications.
Mosquera Awarded NEH Scholarly Editions and Scholarly Translations Grant
This collaborative digital publication project illuminates this facet of Mexican religious history by providing open, multilingual access to four confiscated Spanish plays and related reports from an Inquisition investigation (1768–70), and to six Nahuatl-language plays from the same era.
Stahl Awarded NSF MRI Grant
This grant supports the acquisition of a cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) water isotope analyzer for analysis of stables isotopes of H and O in water and solid geological and biological materials (e.g., sediments, soils, wood and plant tissues). The CRDS will enable a number of research projects on the application of stable water isotopes.
Connelly Awarded Grant from The Bender Scientific Fund of the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region
The project will develop and use chemical tools to probe RNA function by investigating structural changes in specific RNAs. In particular, the study will explore the role that alterative structures play in the processing of microRNAs (miRNAs).
Rodbell Awarded NSF P2C2 Grant
This grant has the potential to improve understanding of the magnitude, timing, and drivers of tropical hydroclimate variability over the Holocene.
Commito Awarded SCS Classics Everywhere Grant
This grant will support a one-day, hands-on workshop on the application of 3D printing in classical studies is designed for public school students in grades 7-12 who are enrolled in Union College's Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP).
Ferry Awarded MLA Support the Census Grant
MLA Support the Census Grants support the Census Bureau's effort to make sure everyone is counted in the 2020 census.
Dosiek Awarded Prestigious NSF CAREER Grant
National Science Foundation
This grant has the potential to dramatically increase the reliability and resiliency of microgrids by providing stakeholders with real-time indicators of stability along with regular model validation and tuning.
Mann Awarded KITP Scholars Fellowship
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)
This special fellowship initiative selects its visiting Scholars from among faculty at primarily undergraduate institutions who maintain active research in some area of theoretical physics.
Watson Awarded NSF EAGER Grant
National Science Foundation
This grant will further the understanding of the atomic-scale physical properties of several relevant Earth materials through the development of a high-resolution materials characterization technique called positron annihilation spectroscopy.
Striegnitz Awarded NSF CUE Ethics Grant
National Science Foundation
This grant will support the design and testing of a number of pathways for the delivery of computing across the curriculum.
Ramasubramanian Awarded NSF BMMB Grant
National Science Foundation
This grant will support the study of a combined experimental and computational approach to determine the forces driving flexion and torsion.
Hamed Awarded NSF MRI Grant
National Science Foundation
This grant will support the acquisition of a high-speed volumetric particle image velocimetry (PIV) system for fluid mechanics research and research training in science, mathematics, and engineering.
Rieffel Awarded NSF EAGER Grant
National Science Foundation
This NSF EAGER grant will support investigations into the behavioral repertoires for soft robotics.
Biomedical Engineering Team Awarded Grant from NIH for Enhanced Capstone
National Institutes for Health
This grant from NIH will advance Union's enhanced biomedical engineering senior capstone experience.
Aerogel Team Awarded NSF Partnerships for Innovation Grant
National Science Foundation
Division of Industrial Innovation & Partnership
This grant from the NSF PFI:TT program supports the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly aerogel materials that have the potential to reduce pollution from automobiles.
Robertson Awarded Grant for Peptoid Mediated Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles at Fluid Interfaces
The Bender Scientific Fund of the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region
Dr. Ellen Robertson has been awarded a grant from the Bender Scientific Fund of the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region for her research project Peptoid Mediated Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles at Fluid Interfaces.
Union College Concert Series Receives Grant from the New York State Council on the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts
Led by artistic director Derek Delaney, the Union College Concert Series has received a three year grant from the New York State Council on the Arts.
Hatley Awarded NSF Grant to Support the Upstate New York Number Theory Conference
National Science Foundation
Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)
Dr. Jeffrey Hatley has been awarded a DMS conference grant to support the Upstate New York Number Theory Conference that Union College is set to host in 2021.
Gasparovic Awarded NSF Grant to Support Participation in Second Workshop for Women in Computational Topology
National Science Foundation
Computing and Communicating Foundations (CCF)
Dr. Ellen Gasparovic has been awarded a CCF conference grant to support the attendance of ten U.S. based participants at the Second Workshop for Women in Computational Topology (WinCompTop2).
Ferry and Student Team Awarded ASIANetwork Freeman Student-Faculty Fellows Grant
Student-Faculty Fellows Program
Dr. Megan Ferry has been awarded an ASIANetwork Freeman Student-Faculty Fellows Grant to support travel to China to measure the effectiveness of the China Dream message.
Rieffel Awarded NSF Grant to Acquire 3D Motion Tracking System
National Science Foundation
Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)
The grant from the NSF MRI program supports the acquisition of a versatile high speed, high precision 3D motion tracking system to enable fundamental research and education in biomechanics, dynamics and controls, robotics, neuroscience and biology.
Hagerman Awarded NSF Grant to Acquire PXRD System
National Science Foundation
Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)
The grant from the NSF MRI program supports the acquisition of a PXRD system to support research and research training activities that span the departments of chemistry, geology, mechanical engineering, and physics and astronomy, as well as the interdisciplinary programs of nanoscience and environmental science, policy, and engineering.
Gillikin Awarded NSF Antarctic Earth Sciences Grant
National Science Foundation
Antarctic Earth Sciences (AES)
Dr. David Gillikin has been awarded an AES grant for his collaborative research project “The Antarctic Sea Scallop as Key to Paleoenvironments and Sea Ice Conditions: Understanding the Modern to Predict the Past.” This project aims to discover whether the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, provides a guide to sea-ice conditions in nearshore Antarctica today and in the past.
Gillikin Awarded NSF Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change Grant
National Science Foundation
Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2)
Dr. David Gillikin has been awarded a P2C2 grant for his collaborative research project “Bridging the Gap from Northern Iberia to Northwest Africa to Reconstruct Atmospheric Dynamics and Hydroclimate for the Last 2,500 Years.” The team seeks to provide a spatial and temporal content for on-going and future climate changes in the Mediterranean region.
Academic Opportunity Program (AOP) Receives Grant for Scholarship Support
The Hearst Foundations
The William Randolph Hearst Foundation
The three-year grant will help support and better prepare the most promising AOP students who are poised for success after graduation — in graduate studies, professional endeavors, and as contributors to their local communities and society more broadly.
Anderson Awarded NSF Innovation Corps Grant
National Science Foundation
Innovation Corps (I-Corps™)
Dr. Ann Anderson has been awarded an I-Corps grant for her project, “I-Corps: Aerogels – A Catalyst for Cleaner Air.” The I-Corps™ program is designed to prepare scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory and to accelerate the economic and societal benefits of NSF-funded, basic-research projects that are ready to move toward commercialization.
Kehlbeck, Cotter Awarded NSF Scholarships in STEM Track 2 Grant
National Science Foundation
Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM)
Dr. Joanne Kehlbeck and Dr. David Cotter have been awarded nearly $1 million from the National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Programs to provide scholarship support to high-achieving students from under-resourced, rural high schools and to improve the retention rates and success of these students in the STEM fields, specifically by addressing the unique challenges they face.
Smith Secures NYS DEC Grant for Microplastics Research
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Environmental Protection Fund (EPF)
Dr. Jacqueline Smith received one of six grants from the Mohawk River Basin Program’s 4th round of funding, enabling her to continue her research on microplastic pollution in the Mohawk River.
Walker is Awarded 2017 Feeding Hope Fund for Clinical Research Grant
National Eating Disorder Association
Feeding Hope Fund
The prevention grant from the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) supports Dr. D. Catherine Walker’s research aims to examine whether positive body image and decreased eating disorder symptoms can be fostered through weekly functionality-based mirror exposure and body functionality gratitude “journaling” text prompts that promote attention toward body functionality and gratitude.
Tonnesen-Friedman is Awarded 2nd Simons Foundation Grant
Simons Foundation
Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians
The grant from the Simons Foundation supports the collaborative efforts of Dr. Tonnesen-Friedman for her work in “Special Metrics in Kaehler and Sasaki Geometry.”
Garver receives NSF Tectonics Grant for Collaborative Geology Project in Alaska
National Science Foundation
Division of Earth Sciences – Directorate for Geosciences
This collaborative research project, “Collaborative Research: RUI: Translation and Accretion of the Yakutat Microplate and Prince William Terrane, Alaska,” tests the idea that the Yukatat Terrane originated far to the south in the Pacific Northwest and moved parallel to the continental margin before colliding with southern Alaska.
Fox collaborator on University of San Diego IUSE grant
Kristin Fox, professor of chemistry, is one of 15 faculty from 12 institutions collaborating on the grant “An Interdisciplinary Faculty Community Using Protein-focused Course Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) to Improve Student Learning.”
MacManus-Spencer receives NSF IUSE: EHR grant
National Science Foundation
Division of Undergraduate Education- Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources
This collaborative research project, “Groundwater Contamination in the Northeast: Improving STEM Education by Demonstrating How Science Matters,” addresses the unsafe concentrations of PFOA in groundwater in the Northeast and how this local, unfolding contamination event can be incorporated into the curriculum and the educational impact of doing so.
Yukilevich Receives NSF Evolutionary Ecology grant
National Science Foundation
Division of Environmental Biology- Evolutionary Ecology
This collaborative research project, “Phenotypic and genomic patterns of divergence across a young Drosophila species complex,” will advance our understanding of the process of speciation, the splitting of one species into two. The research focuses on three species of fruit flies that diverged from common ancestor species only in the last 5,000-16,000 years.
Koopman receives NSF Special Projects in Astronomy grant
National Science Foundation
Special Projects in Astronomy
Through this project, “Enhancing Undergraduate Research Experiences through Extragalactic Radio Astronomy,” students and faculty will pursue frontier extragalactic astronomy research projects related to the ALFALFA (Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA) HI survey.
Union College Space Grant
NASA NY Space Grant Program at Cornell University
Diffusion in Metals and Sulfides
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences- Emerging Worlds
Award Date: 08/23/2016 | Award Amount $292,000
Effective Dates: 08/23/2016-08/22/2021
Project Personnel: Principal Investigator Heather Watson (Physics and Astronomy)