Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Program
Erika Nelson Mukherjee headshot

Erika M. Nelson Mukherjee

Job Title
Associate Professor of German Studies
Director of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
Karp Hall 102

Areas of expertise

German Studies / Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies / Narrative Medicine

Research interests

Transnational German-Language Poetry and Film / Narrative Medicine and Medical Humanities / The Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke / The Work of Doris Dörrie / Modern Retelling of Myth and Fairy Tales in German Culture / Buddhism and Spirituality / Transformative Learning

Teaching interests

German Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies / Poetry / Folklore and Fairy Tales / Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies / Film Studies / Narrative Medicine and Medical Humanities / Creative Writing / Eco-Feminism and Eco-Spirituality / Global Citizenship


“Love, Pain, and the Whole Japan Thing: East Asian Encounters in Doris Dörrie’s Work,” in Beyond Alterity: German Encounters with Modern East Asia. Qinna Shen and Martin Rosenstock (eds). New York: Berghahn, 2014.

“Reclaiming the Thuringian Tuscany: The Touristic Appeal of Bad Sulza and its Toskana Therme,” in Smith-Prei, Carrie and Cliver, Gwyneth Cliver (eds).Bloom and Bust: Urban Landscapes in the East since German Reunification.
Oxford, New York: Berghahn, 2014.

“Lola ReRuns in the Classroom: Dramatic Improvisations on the Film Run Lola Run for Intermediate German Instruction,”
Scenario: Language, Culture, Literature. Vol. V: 2 (2011), 90.

“Reading Rajčić.” In Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in Literature and Culture. Vol. 26, Oct. 2010. “Switzerland—An/Other View of the Homeland in the Works of Dragica Rajčić’s and Andrea Štaka," in Baumgartner, Karin and Zinggeler, Margit (eds). New Approaches to Teaching Switzerland: From Multiculturalism to Cultural Hybridity. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.

“Traumatic Traces in Crumbling Structures and Invisible Spaces.”
Reconfigurations: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry, Literature & Culture.
Vol. 3: Immanence / Imminence. Nov. 2009.

“Caught in a Memory of Mourning on Modern Stage: Mary Zimmerman’s Presentation of Orpheus” in Bahun-Radunovi, Sanja and Rajan, Julie (eds.).
From Word to Canvas: Appropriations of Ancient Myths in Twentieth Century and Contempory Women's Aesthetic Production.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009.

"Paths of Poetic Potentials in Zafer Șenocak's Poetry Collection Übergang." In Herminghouse, Patricia and Gerstenberger, Katharina (eds.).
German Literature in A New Century:Trends, Traditions, Transitions, Transformations.
Oxford, New York: Berghahn, 2008.

“Orpheus Underwater Poetry at the Spa: Remann’s Modern Glashaus Temple of Hearing and Healing.”
Reconfigurations: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry, Literature & Culture,
Vol. 1: Contingency, Nov. 2007.

Reading Rilke's Orphic Identity. New York: Peter Lang, 2005.

Additional media

Academic credentials

B.A., English and Comparative Literature (Classics, German, French), Oberlin College; Graduate Certificate, Narrative Medicine, Columbia University; M.A., Germanic Languages and Literatures, The University of Texas at Austin; M.A., Psychology of Education, Teachers College Columbia University; Ph.D. Germanic Studies, The University of Texas at Austin