The Theatre department presented The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Simon Stephens, directed by Professor William Finlay, with Matthew Dulchinos '19 as Christopher. The set was designed by Andrew Mannion, costumes by Brittney Belz, lighting by Robert Bovard, and the Vocal Coach was Artist in Residence Patricia Culbert.
Mark Haddon, author of the novel from which this play is adapted, has written that The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is not about any specific disability but instead about “difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world in a surprising and revealing way.” Haddon’s work insists upon our empathizing with Christopher as a subject, instead of objectivizing him. The theatre is a particularly useful medium to foster this kind of subjectivity: as we see characters embodied by actors, we’re encouraged to empathize. In this respect, the theatre can significantly contribute to building a more inclusive community: by giving voice to diverse authors and bringing to life a wide set of characters from many walks of life, we can come to a greater understanding of—and identification with—broadly differing experiences of the world around us. -- Dan Venning, Asst. Prof. of Theatre History and Dramatic Literature, Dramaturg.