Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Program
D. Catherine Walker

D. Catherine Walker

Job Title
Associate Professor of Psychology
Bailey Hall 301D

Teaching interests

Professor Walker teaches courses on Body Image and Eating Disorders, Abnormal Psychology, Psychological Assessment and Testing, and Introductory Psychology.


(*denotes Union College student co-authors; **denotes graduate student co-authors)

IF = Impact Factor; Scopus h-index: 7; Web of Science (WoS) h-index: 6; Google scholar (GS) h-index: 8;


Walker, D. C., Gaither, S., Keigan, J.*, De Los Santos, B.*, Schaefer, L., & Thompson, J. K. (Accepted, 2022). Development and validation of a measure of curvy ideals internalization. Body Image. IF = 6.406

Fogarty, S. M.*, & Walker, D. C. (2022). Twinks, Jocks, and Bears, Oh My! Differing subcultural appearance identifications among gay men and their associated eating disorder psychopathology. Body Image, 42, 126-135. IF = 6.406

Walker, D. C. & Murray, K. (2022). Functionality-focused mirror exposure (FME) in women with clinically elevated body dissatisfaction: A preliminary clinical case series, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.; IF = 2.946

Donahue, J., Scharmer, C.**, Fogarty, S.*, & Walker, D. C. (2022) Validity and internal consistency of the Muscularity-Oriented Eating Test in gay men. Eating Behaviors, 45, 101631.; IF = 2.699

Martinez, K.**, Guan, C.*, & Walker, D. C. (2022) I’m angry that I’m not perfect! Aggression mediates the relationship between perfectionism and eating pathology in men and women. Eating and Weight Disorders, 27, 1895-1901.; IF = 4.652 (2020); 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020)

Gullo, N.* & Walker, D. C. (2021). Increased videoconferencing after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders increased depression and anxiety but did not impact appearance satisfaction or binge eating. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3, 100080.; Journal IF = 6.829; 4 citations (GS)

Walker, D. C., Donahue, J. M.**, Heiss, S.**, Brooks, J.*, Ehrlich, E.*, Anderson, L. M., Gorrell, S., Morison, J. N., & Anderson, D. A. (2021). Rapid response is predictive of treatment outcomes in a transdiagnostic intensive outpatient eating disorder sample: a replication of prior research in a real‑world setting. Eating and Weight Disorders, 26, 1345-1356.; Journal IF = 4.652 (2020); 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020); 2 citations (WoS/GS)

Heiss, S.**, Walker, D. C., Hormes, J. M. & Morison, J. (2021). Vegetarian and vegan diets in eating disorder patients: A retrospective clinical chart review. Eating and Weight Disorders, 26, 1007-1012.; IF = 4.652 (2020); Journal 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020); 2 citations (WoS)

Walker, D. C., Gorrell, S., Hildebrandt, T. B., & Anderson, D. A. (2020). Immediate and delayed consequences of high body checking in women with high shape and weight concern. Behavior Therapy, 52(4), 830-846.; Journal IF = 4.183; 0 citations (WoS); 1 citation (GS)

Walker, D. C., Heiss, S.**, Donahue, J. M.**, & Brooks, J.* (2020). Practitioners' perspectives on ethical issues within the treatment of eating disorders: Concept mapping results from a Q-sort study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(12), 1941-1951.; Journal IF = 4.861; 1 citation (WoS); 2 citations (GS)

De Young, K. D., Kambanis, P. E.**, Bottera, A. R.**, Thomas, J., Franko, D., Herzog, D., Walker, D. C., Anderson, D., & Eddy, K. (2020). Identifying duration criteria for remission and relapse through intensive modeling of longitudinal data. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(8), 1224-1233.; Journal IF = 4.861; 5 citations (WoS); 6 citations (GS)

Gorrell, S.**, Walker, D. C., Boswell, J., & Anderson, D. A. (2019). Gender differences in compensatory behavior in response to alcohol use. Eating and Weight Disorders, 24, 715-721.; IF = 4.652 (2020); Journal 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020); 10 citations (WoS); 17 citations (GS)

Walker, D. C., White, E. **, & Srinivasan, V.* (2018). A meta-analysis of the relationships between body checking, body image avoidance, body image dissatisfaction, and disordered eating. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51(8), 745-770.; Journal IF = 4.861; 32 citations (WoS); 69 citations (GS)

Walker, D. C., Murray, A. D., Lavender, J., & Anderson, D. A. (2012). The direct effects of manipulating body checking in men. Body Image, 9, 462-468.; IF = 6.406; 14 citations (WoS); 39 citations (GS)

Alfano, L., Hildebrandt, T., Bannon, K., Walker, D. C., & Walton, K. (2011). The impact of gender on the assessment of body checking behavior. Body Image, 8, 20-25.; Journal IF = 6.406; 29 citations (WoS)

Hildebrandt, T., Walker, D. C., Alfano, L., Delinsky, S., & Bannon, K. (2010). Development and validation of a male specific body checking questionnaire. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43, 77-87.; Journal IF = 4.861; 33 citations (WoS) 81 citations (GS)

Walker, D. C., Anderson, D. A., & Hildebrandt, T. (2009). Body checking behaviors in men. Body Image, 6, 164-170; Journal IF = 6.406; 57 citations (WoS); 148 citations (GS)

Hildebrandt, T. & Walker, D. C. (2006). Evidence that ideal and attractive bodies represent different constructs: A replication and extension of Cororvé-Fingeret, Gleaves, and Pearson (2004), Body Image, 3, 173-182.; Journal IF = 6.406; 20 citations (GS)


Brooks, J.* & Walker, D. C. What can my body do for me? Seeking to improve body-functionality valuation with a guided functionality mirror exposure.

Additional media

Areas of interest

Clinical psychology with interests in weight, body image, and eating disorders.

Academic credentials

B.A., Rutgers College; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany