Prof. D. Catherine Walker presented her topic on “Negative consequences of the war on obesity: Impacts of weight bias in medicine and suggestions for weight-inclusive practice” for the AMC Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds this month.
Union College Faculty Colloquium presents Professor Carol Weisse, Ronald M. Obenzinger Professor of Psychology. Prof. Weisse will speak about Providing Care during Patient's Final Days of Life - Is there really no place like home?
Carol Weisse, Ronald M. Obenzinger Professor of Psychology and director of health professions, recently had a paper published in the journal Health Professions Education.
Prof. Fredricks, Prof. Cotter, and Denesha Lafontant '23 co-author, "Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields: A Qualitative Study of Women and Students of Color at a Predominately White Institution" with data based on interviews with Union College students.
The Union College Psychology Department Speaker Series and Honors Colloquium host a series of experts from different areas of psychology and neuroscience throughout the academic year.