The Title IX Policy governs all members of the Union College community for conduct defined as Title IX sexual harassment. This policy and its associated procedures will be utilized if the Title IX Coordinator determines that the conduct reported falls within its scope. The Title IX Policy is in compliance with Title IX of the 1972 of the Education Amendments.
Faculty policies and procedures
Title IX Policy
Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Bias and Retaliation in Employment
The Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Bias and Retaliation in Employment governs all employees of the Union College. This policy and its associated procedures will be utilized if the Title IX Coordinator & Equal Opportunity Specialist determines that the conduct reported falls within its scope. The Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Bias and Retaliation in Employment is in compliance with state and federal nondiscrimination and equal opportunity laws.
To report discrimination, harassment, bias or retaliation in employment unrelated to sexual harassment use this reporting form.
FAQs for faculty, staff, coaches and administrators
What are my obligations?
In general, most College employees do not have legally protected confidentiality. Per Union College Policy, all employees except those deemed Confidential Resources are considered Responsible Employee and are responsible for making a report to the Title IX Coordinator when they knew or, in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known about gender-based misconduct, including but not limited to sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, stalking, or harassment or discrimination on the basis of one's sex, gender, sexual orientation, or identity.
If you become aware of an allegation of gender-based misconduct that involves a student member of the Union College community, you must promptly inform the Title IX Coordinator, Ann Ciancia (518)388-6865 or by completing the online reporting form available on this website. Employees may not make anonymous reports.
- Be open about your obligation to share what you have learned with the Title IX Coordinator. The person you are talking with may be concerned about the loss of confidentiality and/or control. You can offer assurances that College officials are mindful of these concerns and, except in cases of serious threat to the complainant or campus community, they will not take action or share information without the complainant’s knowledge and consent. The information you share will be treated as confidentially as possible.
- The Title IX Coordinator may need to take action in the interest of safety, but in planning any response the wishes of the complainant are given full consideration.
General strategies to keep in mind
- Recognize that the person talking with you is likely in need of support as well as information.
- Listen attentively and non-judgmentally.
- Take note of any information shared with you but do not push for details.
- You are not an investigator and are not responsible for collecting or verifying information.
- Affirm that Union College takes gender-based misconduct very seriously and that the College policy prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports an incident of gender-based misconduct.
- The Title IX Coordinator is here to help you if you have questions about how to respond.
What details do I need to provide to the Title IX Coordinator?
You must share whatever information has been shared with you including the names of any individuals involved, if known. Sharing as much detail as possible helps the Title IX team in their response to the report. However, please be advised that you are not expected to engage in any information gathering or investigative questioning.
What kinds of gender-based misconduct do I need to report?
You need to report any incident that might fall within Union College’s definition of gender-based misconduct including: sexual assault, sexual exploitation, relationship violence, or stalking. Gender-based Misconduct can also include bias or bullying behaviors on the basis of sex, gender, sexual orientation or identity and includes sexual harassment taking place virtually of in-person.
You are obligated to report incidents that have occurred during the time a student is matriculating. If a student shares an experience with you that occurred prior to their time at Union College, you are not obligated to report, but it is recommended that you refer the student to appropriate on- or off-campus resources.
If you're ever not sure if you need to report conduct, the Title IX Coordinator can talk you through it.
What happens after I file a report?
The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the individual who has experienced gender-based misconduct to make sure they have access to accommodations, support, and resources. A member of the Title IX team will educate the individual about their options for reporting, adjudicating, or otherwise responding to the conduct. The Title IX Coordinator will not contact any individuals accused of committing gender-based misconduct upon receipt of a report. A report is not the same as an investigation. Further, a student cannot be required to participate in an adjudicative process.
Once I have filed my report, do I have other responsibilities?
- No. Once you have filed a report, your reporting obligations are complete. You should preserve any notes you may have taken or give them to the Title IX Coordinator.
- The Title IX Coordinator will provide updates to the Reporting Party and Responding Party. You may continue to talk with the person who shared the information with you. Please keep the Title IX Coordinator updated if you learn new details or if the situation evolves.
Will the Title IX Coordinator update me on what happens?
- No, due to the need to protect the privacy of the parties involved. However, if the student wishes to share information with you directly, that is their right to do so.
- However, you may be involved in some of the next steps; e.g. helping to arrange an accommodation, speaking with a fact-finder, or even serving as the Reporting Party's advisor if the person seeks your assistance.
Who do I contact if I have a question or concern regarding Union College's policy on sexual misconduct or this guidance and FAQ document?
You may contact the Title IX Coordinator, Ann Ciancia, at (518) 388-6865 or at
Do you have sample language about my obligations I can include in my syllabus?
Please feel free to use some or all of the language below in your course syllabus as a state of your status as a responsible employee:
Union College faculty are committed to helping create a safe and open learning environment for all students. If you (or someone you know) have experienced any form of gender-based misconduct, including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, or sexual harassment know that help and support are available. The College strongly encourages all members of the community to take action, seek support and report incidents of gender-based misconduct.
Please be aware that under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, I am designated as a “responsible employee” and am required to disclose information about gender-based misconduct to the Office of TitleIX & Equal Opportunity. The purpose of responsible employees is to ensure that all students are aware of their rights and resources. Please know that while I am required to disclose incidents of gender-based misconduct, students can never be required to participate in an adjudicative process and all communications relative to reports remain private.
If you wish to speak to a confidential employee who does not have this reporting responsibility, you can contact Eppler-Wolff Counseling Center at (518) 388-6161, which has daily walk-in hours available. For more information about reporting options, support services, and resources at Union College and within the local community the community, please visit: