Help us, help you
- The Web Communications Help Desk should be your first point of contact. Please contact us via this form. (DO NOT email as that is the ITS Help Desk). Include the web address of the page you are working on.
- Be proactive. Sign-up for training sessions to get comfortable with the system.
- Details matter. Be sure to include links to the web pages you are editing. Screen captures can also provide valuable context. Be as specific as possible about the assistance you need (see examples below).
Requests for new websites
Creating a new page
- Page title?
- Include a link to the page in the menu?
Finding a document in the media library to replace with a new version
- Provide a link to the page that is currently linking to the document.
Editing and uploading an image
- Provide a link to the page where the image should be embedded.
- What size should the image be? Full screen width? ½ screen width? ¼ screen width?
Do you need a new user to be given access to your organization?
- What is the new user’s name and email address?
- Are there any individuals who we should remove from the access list?
Do you have a new faculty/staff member to add to your organization?
- Create a new Faculty or Staff profile by going to Workbench, Create Content, Faculty or Staff. Fill in all the information and scroll down to the bottom and click save.
- Send us a 500 px X 500 px profile image and we will add the profile image to your newly created Faculty or Staff profile page.
Did you encounter an error when using the site?
- What was the error message?
- Is it possible to take a screenshot to share with us?