Requesting a website

Requests for new websites must be submitted by a supervisor-level individual (e.g., department chair, director, dean, etcetera). All requests must first be reviewed through the Web Communications Help Desk.

Before submitting a request, please review the checklist below.

Note: The primary use of is for official offices, departments, programs and high-value strategic communications.


Submit a request to Web Communications via the Help Desk
Review web governance policies and expectations
Familiarize yourself with basic digital accessibility concepts
Designate a content maintainer*
Ensure that the content maintainer attends a training/review session via Zoom
Work with the registrar to update or add courses and requirements to the online catalog (if applicable)
Provide a list of staff/faculty in your department, office, or program
Outline the new site's organizational structure
Gather materials for the site (homepage and secondary page content as needed)

*We highly recommend choosing an existing content maintainer and consolidating responsibilities among fewer individuals within the academic or administrative division. A smaller, dedicated team managing content consistently will be more efficient, effective and proficient than expanded groups of users that access the system sporadically.