Academic Affairs
The following guidelines have been created to promote an orderly and equitable distribution of faculty travel funds among those wishing to travel for scholarly or educational purposes.
Please refer to the Travel Policy from the Finance Department for details.
Faculty may request travel funds up to $1,500 per year (or $1,800 for international travel) for attending the conference only. If the faculty is presenting a paper or chairing a session in a conference, an additional $500 (i.e. up to $2,000 for domestic travel or $2,300 for international travel) will be allowed in their budgets.
- In order to support faculty research and encourage professional activities, faculty members may apply for conference travel funds. Available funds will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis throughout the year.
- Forms to request travel funds are available online. Requests must be submitted to the Dean of Academic Departments and Programs at least 2 weeks before departure so that budgets can be evaluated and faculty notified in advance of the amount that is approved. Travel arrangements made before approval may not be honored.
- The College will pay all reasonable expenses incurred for ground and/or air transportation. It is expected that faculty will avail themselves of the most economical and reasonable method of transportation.
- Faculty members are required to obtain original itemized receipts for reimbursement of expenses that exceed $25 per transaction. In reconciling your charges through the Workday system, you must scan your receipts and upload them in the "Expense Line" tab (not the "Attachments" tab) on Workday.
- With receipts, the maximum allowance for meals is $60 per day of travel, including tax and gratuities; $225 per night of travel, including tax, for room rent; and $.67per mile if driving one’s own car (gas included). Additional room expenses such as movies, snacks, and drinks are not reimbursable.
- If you travel internationally and it is not possible to obtain receipts for lodging and/or meals, the College’s per diem rate for meals is $45 per day maximum. Note that per diem is not available for local travel.
- Upon your return, reconcile your expenses through the Workday system using your Research and Travel Account number and your department cost center number. Additional conference travel requests will not be approved until transactions from the previous year are reconciled.
- Expenses must be reconciled before the end of the fiscal year, June 30.
- New application will not be considered if your research & travel account has a negative balance. Please reconcile all of your expenses on time.
Updated July 2024 by Emily Tong