This is the official college travel policy that applies to all Union College faculty, administrators, staff and students for both domestic and international travel.
This policy provides guidance for the traveler and those who approve the expenses. Travel represents a significant controllable expense in Union College operations. The purpose of the Travel Policy is to provide the College community with broad guidelines to ensure reasonable and necessary expenditures for authorized business travel are incurred, documented, and paid for by the College in conformity with applicable laws and acceptable practices.
It is policy to pay all reasonable expenses incurred in pursuance of college business, provided they are authorized and appropriately documented. In some cases, individual departments may impose more restrictive guidelines than those set forth in this policy. Employees should be neither financially advantaged nor disadvantaged as a result of incurring genuine business expenses.
These policies have been developed to meet IRS requirements for a fully accountable expense plan. Expenses and reimbursements that conform to this policy are not reported as taxable income to the employee.
This policy is not intended to cover every situation. Exceptions to this policy (not otherwise covered by laws, grants, or contractual commitments) may be made on an individual basis, but require the travelers to obtain written pre-approval from their Responsibility Center Head. A copy of the pre-approval must be attached to the pertinent expense.