Union Engineering
Ranked #23 (out of 286 total)
for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
in schools without a doctoral degree
(U.S. News and World Report)
Union Engineering
Ranked #23 (out of 286 total)
for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
in schools without a doctoral degree
(U.S. News and World Report)
Out of 286 schools for undergraduate engineering
(U.S News & World Report, Fall 2024)
Computer engineering program
(U.S News & World Report, Fall 2024)
Our nation-wide ranking for best science lab facilities, based on student surveys
(Princeton Review, Fall 2024)
Our engineering spaces have a combined footprint of over 35,000 square feet (SF). Many teaching and research labs are housed in the recently-completed state-of-the-art Integrated Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC). Our facilities include a 6,500 SF machine shop, which features a five-axis water jet machine and a dedicated 1,000 SF student shop.
We are proud of the extremely high levels of satisfaction reported on surveys of our graduating seniors. Indeed, a nation-wide student survey ranked Union College #2 for Best Science Lab Facilities
The engineers of tomorrow need a strong technical background; but they also need deep knowledge of social, economic, political, and environmental impacts of engineering design. Studying engineering in a small liberal arts school lets you become well-rounded and develop a passion for life-long learning. You can explore the liberal arts and get a minor in humanities subjects (double majors are also possible !)
You will enjoy small classes (most lab sections are capped at 12), an enthusiastic faculty, and strong support networks. And student are strongly encouraged to participate in term abroad. We offer a wide range of programs in Australia, China, England, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, and many others. We also offer an engineering-specific term program in Ankara, Turkey.
We have been offering engineering programs since 1845 - that's 16 years before the start of the American Civil War. And we are the first liberal arts college to offer engineering.
We are proud of our rich traditions and our programs are strong, diverse, and fully accredited by ABET, the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (although our engineering program predates the founding of ABET by a good 80 years).
Recent firms employing our graduates include Knolls Atomic Power Lab, Raytheon, SpaceX; Tesla, Regeneron, and GE Global Research. Union Engineering is a strong pipeline to the best grad schools including MIT, Columbia, and Dartmouth.
It's very common and almost routine for our students to be involved in high quality research under the supervision of our outstanding faculty. We have no graduate students and we have no graduate programs. Our faculty - who are very research active and routinely obtain prestigious federal funding for research - work closely with undergraduate students. Research opportunities are available to students at all levels, including Freshmen. Our signature summer research program gives students the ability to spend up to 8 weeks on campus conducting paid full-time research. The dedicated Office of Undergraduate Research coordinates all research activities.