Union Engineering

Ranked #23 (out of 286 total)

for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
in schools without a doctoral degree
(U.S. News and World Report)

Explore Broader, Deeper, and Further

Engineering students working on a project
Engineering students working on a project

Union Engineering students have many unique opportunities to develop both professionally and personally. About 60% of our students take advantage of the opportunity to study abroad, among the highest for liberal arts colleges. All students benefit from Union’s strong liberal arts programs, with many completing minors in subjects ranging from Chinese to Digital Media. Intense work with faculty on research projects develops students depth of understanding and professional communication skills. Students also have opportunities to explore senior project ideas as viable entrepreneurial endeavors. Together with the very valuable learning that takes place outside the classroom with their peers in other disciplines, Union Engineering students develop

  • understanding of fundamental concepts,
  • professional communication capacities,
  • a grasp of human needs and the social condition,
  • creativity,
  • and strong teamwork skills.

These are the competencies that our students need to pursue their career and further education goals and make important contributions to a sustainable future.