Finance Department


Reconciling Reimbursements

Reimbursements for Faculty and Staff are now handled entirely within Workday and follow an approval process based on the organization chart established within the system.

For instructions on how to reconcile a reimbursement, please follow the instructions located on the Expense Reports job aid.

For more instructions on other related tasks within Workday, please check out the Workday 4 U Job Aids webpage.

Reimbursement Receipt Requirements

For all reimbursement requests, Union College requires an itemized receipt for the items purchased. The itemized receipt should provide all the details regarding the purchase including the date of purchase, the items purchased and method of payment.
  • If the item(s) were paid with cash, the cash receipt should show "cash" as the payment method. If it does not, please just write "cash" on the receipt itself before you scan it.
  • If the item was paid with a personal credit or debit card, please make sure the receipt submitted shows the last 4 digits of the card # used. Should the receipt be cut off or the last 4 digits were not on the itemized receipt and payment was made with a personal credit or debit card, we may require a copy of the bank statement showing the charge.

    If a receipt is lost, missing or not readable at all, we ask employees to submit the Missing Receipt Form.

Payment Method

Cash Receipt

  • Receipt that shows cash as the payment method.
  • If the receipt does not show cash as the payment method, write CASH on the receipt.

Credit or Debit Card Receipt

  • Receipt that shows the last 4 digits of the card # used.
  • If the receipt does not show the last 4 digits of the card # used, provide a copy of the transaction from your bank statement.

Missing Receipt

• Complete the Missing Receipt Form and submit a copy of the form as your receipt.
• Paid with Cash? Write Cash on the Missing Receipt Form.
• Paid with your personal card? Provide a copy of the transaction from your bank statement.

Foreign Currency Receipt

  • Copy of the itemized receipt showing the charge details or a Missing Receipt Form in the foreign currency amount. (See Payment Method above for additional receipt requirements based on the type of payment method used.)
  • Allowable conversion to USD methods:
    • Bank statement showing the USD amount charged to the reimbursee’s personal account.
    • Finance approved Foreign Currency Calculator, using the receipt date as the conversion date.

Student Reimbursement & Monetary Awards

Please use the Student Reimbursement & Monetary Award Form to facilitate a reimbursement / monetary award on behalf of a Union College student.

This form will route to the Cost Center Manager first for approval and then to Accounts Payable for payment processing. Please notify the Cost Center Manager that they will be prompted to review and/or provide additional information in order to complete this transaction. This approval/review request will come to their Union email address.

For any of the following, DO NOT USE this form. Follow the instructions below:

  • If a student is performing any service to receive this payment, please send a request to Human Resources for the student to be paid via payroll.
  • If paying a student's legal business for services rendered, please reach out to Accounts Payable first to ensure appropriate processing of this transaction.

Non-Union College Faculty, Staff or Student Reimbursement Requests

To reimburse a Non-Union College Faculty, Staff or Student for travel and meal expenses please follow the below steps:

1. Email Beth Cosselman to request the form stack form. Include the below information in the email when requesting the form:

  • The name of person being reimbursed
  • The reason for the reimbursement

2. Once the request is reviewed, you will receive the form stack to complete. The form will route to the Cost Center manager for approval and then to Accounts Payable for payment processing.


This process cannot be used:

  • to reimburse ANY Union College Faculty, Staff or student
  • or if we are paying the individual for services rendered or any honorarium

For additional instructions on how to complete a payment including an honorarium as well as travel expenses, please contact Beth Cosselman.