Complex Questions: Global Challenges & Social Justice

Advising Guidelines

Policies, Procedures, and Advising FAQ 2024-2025

Academic policies and administrative procedures for the Complex Questions: Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum are listed below.

The General Education Board oversees the general education program and formulates plans and policies relating to it. The Director of General Education serves as the Chair of the General Education Board and is responsible for the administration of the program (Faculty Manual 2014, IV, 11-12)

The Director of General Education reports directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. You may contact the Director of General Education or General Education Board with questions and comments by emailing Selected policies and procedures below are also included in the Union College Academic Catalog. Please note that provisions of the Academic Catalog "are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and Union College. The College reserves the right to make changes in its course offerings, degree requirements, regulations and procedures, and fees and expenses as educational and financial considerations require."

What courses from a student’s major and minor count towards completion of the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum and vice versa?

FYI/FYI-H may not be used toward completion of a major or minor. Other courses taken in the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum may be used to meet the requirements of a major or minor unless specifically prohibited by a particular program or department.

how does double counting work with the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum?

Students are required to complete nine (9) courses to complete the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum. Approved courses may fulfill the Area of Inquiry, Perspective, and WAC requirements. No other double counting is allowed. The FYI seminar is a separate requirement and does not count toward the fulfillment of the Area of Inquiry, Perspective, and WAC requirements. It does count as one of the nine courses that are required as part of the curriculum requirements.

Can a non-transfer student use AP, IB, or transfer credits to complete requirements in the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum?

Due to the specific framework of the curriculum, AP and IB will not be accepted for the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum. However, transfer credits will be considered for credit on a case-by-case basis.

What courses count for World Languages (WOL)?

One term of a foreign language must be taken to fulfill this requirement. This could be an entry level or upper level course. Please see the Academic Catalog for WOL designated courses. In addition, any foreign language course taken on a term abroad automatically fulfills the WOL requirement.

Can courses taken on a term abroad be used to complete the FYI/FYI-H requirements?

No. The FYI/FYI-H courses have unique pedagogical requirements and learning outcomes designed for Union College's academic program. Moreover, most students will have fulfilled the FYI/FYI-H requirement in their first year, before going on a term abroad.

Can courses completed on a term abroad be used for the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum requirements?

Yes, provided the course has been approved for the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum by the General Education Board. The course would be designated with a specific Area of Inquiry and Perspective. Note that all foreign language courses taken on a term abroad would count for the World Languages (WOL) requirement. If a course has not received prior approval by the General Education Board, a student may petition the General Education Board for approval.

To count towards the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum, a course must meet the standards, content requirements, and learning outcomes of both an Area of Inquiry and a Perspective. A complete course syllabus and supporting materials, such as assignments, must be submitted with the request: no reviews or approvals will be made without such materials. Submission of materials and review do not guarantee approval. No course completed during a study abroad program can double-count for more than one curriculum requirement, per the double-counting policy above.

Can a practicum be used to complete Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum requirements?

No, a practicum does not receive a letter grade. Therefore, it cannot be used.

Can an independent Study be used to complete the GLobal Challenges & Socail Justice curriculum requirements?

No, an Independent Study cannot be used to complete a curriculum requirement.