In order to comply with Federal regulations published in 2 CFR § 200.430, the lead Principal Investigator/Project Director (PI/PD) of each Federal award made to Union College is obligated to complete Time & Effort (T&E) Reporting for the duration of the grant period of performance through the close-out of the award. The T&E Reporting process enables the College to confirm allowable personnel compensation costs under Federal awards based on the PI/PD certification of the amount of time and effort project personnel devoted to sponsored program (grant-funded) and institutional activities. The College’s policy and procedures for T&E Reporting may be extended to any award made to the College.
The PI/PD is responsible for certify their time and effort as well as the time and effort of all project personnel, including faculty and staff who receive grant-funded compensation and/or make contributions to a sponsored program as an “in-kind” match or cost-share commitment. Non-exempt employees (staff and students) who record hours worked through the College’s designated time-tracking system are excluded from the T&E Report. The PI/PD retains responsibility for certifying the amount of time the non-exempt employee devoted to a sponsored program. Therefore, the PI/PD must be the supervisor of record who reviews and approves the employees’ timecards.