Minerva Programs

Beuth House

Beuth House

Beuth House

Centrally located on South Lane next to Memorial Chapel, Beuth House is home to approximately 30 upper class students. The first floor features a full kitchen, parlor, seminar room and great room where students can cook, study, attend programs and relax.

Upperclass Beuth House members have the option of applying to live in Beuth their sophomore, junior and senior year. The house is a mix of single and double rooms, with priority for room selection based on Minerva housing application score. Beuth House has 11 single rooms and nine double rooms.

Minerva House Contacts

Faculty Rep: Dianne McMullen mcmulled@union.edu
Student Rep: Louis Rahilly rahillyl@union.edu
Council Chair(s): Lili Helfrich helfricl@union.edu & Theo Scola scolat@union.edu

Beuth House Faculty and Staff Affiliations

  • Faculty Members
    First Last Department
    James Adrian Jr. Chemistry
    Cay Anderson-hanley Psychology
    Robert Baker Philosophy
    Andrew Bodd Theatre & Dance
    Clifford Brown Jr. Political Science
    Dong (Carl) Cheng Economics
    Mark Dallas Political Science
    Joanna Dipasquale Schaffer Library
    Kathryn Feller Biology
    Megan Flynn Theatre & Dance
    Andrea Foroughi History
    Ellen Foster Economics
    Ellen Gasparovic Mathematics
    Melinda Goldner Sociology
    Helen Hanson Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Ali Hessein Mechanical Engineering
    Jeffrey Jauregui Mathematics
    Sudhir Khetan Bioengineering
    Mohammad Mafi Environmental Engineering
    Jonathan Marr Physics & Astronomy
    Dianne McMullen Music
    Therese McCarty Economics
    Pilar Moyano Modern Languages
    Conor J. O'dea Psychology
    Fernando Orellana Visual Arts
    Zoe Oxley Political Science
    Romain Pasquer Brochard Modern Languages & Literatures
    Anastasia Pease English
    Barbara Pytel Biology
    Zahloul Raik Schaffer Library
    Ellen Roberston Chemistry
    Krisanna Scheiter Philosophy
    Stephen Schmidt Economics
    Mehmet Sener Economics
    Guillermina Seri Political Science
    Mason Stahl Geology
    Nicole Theodosiou Napier Biology
    Cherrice Traver Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Junko Ueno Modern Languages
    Michael Vineyard Physics & Astronomy
    Nicholas Webb Computer Science
    Christopher Whitehead Chemistry
    Sandra Wimer Visual Arts
    Roman Yukilevich Biology
    Zhen Zhang Modern Languages
  • Staff Members

    First Last Department
    Wayne Archambault Dining Services
    Cole Belmont Academic Affairs
    Ann Brown Admissions
    Ginny Casper International Programs
    Vernon Castillo Admissions
    Jennifer Clifford Campus Safety
    Ben Deangelis Kenney Center
    Jonna Dipasquale Schaffer Library
    Brooke Donovan Counseling
    Wendy Duff Alumni & Parent Engagement
    Peter Fowler Career Services
    Jane Franze Facilities
    Laura Galt Accommodative Services
    Susan Hanks Admissions
    Kelly Harchetts Field Hockey
    Joshua Hauge Men's Hockey
    Bamond Heath Schaffer Library
    Daniel Johnson Campus Safety
    Meghan Jordan Violence Prevention
    Nan Krazke ITS
    Allie Krohn Res Ed & Housing
    Bill Pizer ITS
    Kristen Raffan Campus Safety
    Ricky Reiss Community Standards
    Cherly Rockwood Athletic Training
    Laiky Rubin Religious Life
    Lilia Tiemann Admissions
    Will Wright Career Services