Minerva Programs

Breazzano House

Breazzano House

Breazzano House

Located at the main entrance to campus on Library Lane, Breazzano House is one of the freestanding Minerva Houses on campus. Just under 30 upperclassman students call Breazzano "home," and the expansive first floor provides space for students to gather, attend programs, cook, study, and relax.

Upperclass Breazzano House members have the option of applying to live in Breazzano their sophomore, junior and senior year. The house is a mix of single and double rooms, with priority for room selection based on Minerva housing application score. Breazzano House has six single rooms and 11 double rooms.

Minerva House Contacts

Faculty Rep: Christopher Whitehead whitehec@union.edu
Student Rep: Jonathan Borenstein borenstj@union.edu
Council Chair(s): Naomi Nayor nayorn@union.edu & Messiah Abakah-Quainoo abakahqm@union.edu

Breazzano House Faculty and Staff Affiliations

  • Faculty Members
    First Last Department
    Kristin Bidoshi Modern languages
    Cecilia Bores Quijano Physics & astronomy
    Denis Brennan History department
    Karen Brison Anthropology
    Andrew Burkett English
    Lorraine Cox Visual arts
    Maite Cruz Tleugabulova Philosophy
    Stephanie M. Curley Electrical, computer and biomedical engineering
    Jennifer Currey Bioengineering
    Leo Fleishman Biology
    Jennifer Fredericks Academic affairs
    John Garver Geology
    Timothy George Psychology
    George Gmelch Anthropology
    Sharon Gmelch Anthropology
    Jennifer Grayburn Schaffer library
    Jeffrey Hatley Mathematics
    David Hodgson Mechanical engineering
    Joanne Kehlbeck Chemistry
    Scott Labrake Physics & astronomy
    Steve Leavitt Anthropology
    Shou ping Liu Music
    Kathleen Logiudice Biology
    Shena McAuliffe English
    Jennifer Mitchell English
    John Myers Schaffer library
    Michael Okwari Electrical, computer and biomedical engineering
    Chad Orzel Physics & astronomy
    Maritza Osuna Modern languages
    Lee Pedzisa Chemistry
    Kaywana Raeburn Economics
    Steven Rice Biology
    Donald Rodbell Geology
    Robert Samet Anthropology
    Timothy Stablein Sociology
    Scott Suriano Physics & astronomy
    Anouk Verheyden-Gillikin Geology
    Kirk Wegter-McNelly Religious studies
    Frank Wicks Mechanical engineering
    Sara Wiest Political science
    Richard Wilk Mechanical engineering
    Randy Wyatt Theatre & dance
    Zheng Yang Electrical & computer engineering
  • Staff Members
    First Last Department
    Sabrina Balbuena Counseling
    Ana Bourque Res Ed & Housing
    Julissa Boyer Perez AOP
    Ashley Breslin Alumni & Parent Engagement
    Brianne Brinker Athletics Facilities
    Ann Ciancia Title IX
    Jill Crary-Gracz Athletics
    Karen Dagostino Dining Services
    Annette Diorio Dean of Students
    Mary Eiffe Schaffer Library
    Marissa Forte Athletics
    Debra Geer College Relations
    Erin Gehen Athletics
    Sarah Greklek Class Deans
    Marcus Hotaling Counseling Services
    Rosalind Lampert Religious Life
    Daniel Love Strength & Conditioning
    Kathryn Maitoza Admissions
    Albert Moshier Athletics Facilities
    John Muller Men's Baseball
    Christopher Murphy Men's Basketball
    John Myers Schaffer Library
    Leahanna Pelish Philosophy, Classics, Anthropology, & Religious Studies
    Brandon Perry Athletics
    Michelle Fluger Reynolds College Relations
    Aileen Schatz First Year Expereince
    Steven Sheridan Communications
    Devin Smith Football
    Robert Speck Men's Hockey
    Catie Straube Res Ed & Housing
    Kari Terwillinger Career Services
    Alyssa Treanor Women's Lacrosse
    Lisa Trefethen Admissions