Minerva Programs

Wold House

Wold House

Wold House is one of two conjoined Minerva Houses on North Terrace Lane, sharing a building with Messa House. Wold is home to approximately 50 upperclassman students.

Upperclass Wold House members have the option of applying to live in Wold their sophomore, junior and senior year. The house is a mix of single and double rooms, with priority for room selection based on Minerva housing application score. Wold House has 13 single rooms and 15 double rooms.

Minerva House Contacts

Faculty Rep: Pattie Wareh warehp@union.edu
Student Rep: Roman Martinez martiner@union.edu
Council Chair(s): Anjalika Kumar kumara@union.edu & Megan Fang fangm@union.edu

Wold House Faculty and Staff Affiliations

  • Faculty Members
    First Last Department
    Peter Bedford Religious Studies
    Stephen Berk History
    Jennifer Bishop Biology
    Laurie Cawley Theatre & Dance
    Christoper Chandler Music
    Cigdem Cidam Political Science
    David Collinge Modern Languages
    David Cotter Sociology
    Kara Doyle English
    Chris Fernandes Computer Science
    Joanne Fitzgerald Leadership in Medicine
    Holli Frey Geology
    Harold Fried Economics
    Maria Dolores Garrido Garcia Economics
    Colin Gleason Physics & Astronomy
    David Hayes Psychology
    John Horton Biology
    Leila Khatami Mathematics
    J. Douglass Klein Economics
    Rebecca Koopmann Physics & Astronomy
    Robert Lauzon Biology
    Joel Lefever Mechanical Engineering
    Kathryn Lesh Mathematics
    Judith Lewin English
    Miryam Moutillet Theatre & Dance
    Stephanie Mueller Modern Languages
    Thomas Nathan Patton Religious Studies
    Ashok Ramasubramanian Mechanical Engineering
    Robyn Reed Schaffer Library
    Michele Ricci Bell Modern Languages
    Steven Sargent History
    Audrey Sartiaux Modern Languages
    Younghwan Song Economics
    John Spinelli Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Charles Steckler Theatre & Dance
    Kristina Striegnitz Computer Science
    Alexander Sweger Biological Sciences
    Alan Taylor Mathematics
    Jenelle Troxell English
    Patricia Wareh English
    Heather C Watson Physics & Astronomy
    Carol Weisse Psychology
    William Zwicker Mathematics
  • Staff Members
    First Last Department
    David Baglio Athletics
    Rhona-Jane Beaton Health Professions
    Gerald Bova Environment Health and Safety
    Brian Bowman Tennis
    Chris Collier Track and Field
    Deborah Coyle ITS
    Annie DeLoid Women's Volleyball
    Lynn Evans Fellowships
    Laura Galt Accommodations
    Kenneth George Communications
    Heather Heider Kenney Center
    Joan Horgan Religious Life
    Matthew McPhillips Women's Golf
    Matt Milless Dean of Students
    Jason Nelson Football
    Scott Rava College Relations
    Christopher Rochow Dining
    Arlette Rodriguez Registrar
    John Ronan Men's Hockey
    Shmuly Rubin Religious Life
    Dresbach Sebastien Res Ed & Housing
    Shawn Skelly Women's Ice Hockey
    Janet Sweeney Community Outreach
    Juls Sweet Admissions
    Don Tallman Registrar
    Anthony Trotta Football
    Nalani White Counseling
    Amanda Tommell-Sandy Wicker Wellness