Minerva Programs

Green House

Green House

Green House

Green House is one of two conjoined Minerva Houses on South Terrace Lane, sharing a building with Sorum House. Green is home to approximately 50 upperclassman students.

Upperclass Green House members have the option of applying to live in Green their sophomore, junior and senior year. The house is a mix of single and double rooms, with priority for room selection based on Minerva housing application score. Green House has 12 single rooms and 17 double rooms.

Minerva House Contacts

Faculty Rep: Christopher Chandler chandlec@union.edu
Student Rep: Jonathon Dietchman deitchmj@union.edu
Council Chair(s): Maryam Tariq tariqm@union.edu & Ushna Khan khanu@union.edu

Green House Faculty and Staff Affiliations

  • Faculty Members
    First Last Department
    Samuel Amanuel Physics & astronomy
    Prateek Arora Economics
    Kenneth Aslakson History
    Charles Batson Modern Languages
    Louisa Catalano Mathematics
    A. Michelle Chilcoat Modern Languages
    Linda Cool Anthropology
    John Cramsie History
    James De seve Film Studies
    Tomas Dvorak Economics
    Andrew Feffer History
    Marianna Ganapini Philosophy
    Ashraf Ghaly Environmental Engineering
    Joshua Hart Psychology
    Walter Hatke Visual Arts
    Bradley Hays Political Science
    Kurt Hollocher Geology
    Sanjay Hosur Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Hugh Jenkins English
    Sarina Kuersteiner History
    Bernhard Kuhn English
    Amy Loya

    Electrical, Computer & Biomedical Engineering

    Laura Macmanus-Spencer Chemistry
    Seyfollah Maleki Physics & Astronomy
    Matthew Manon Geology
    Lori Marso Political Science
    Daniel Mosquera Modern Languages
    Eshragh Motahar Economics
    Jillmarie Murphy English
    Jay Newman Physics & Astronomy
    David Ogawa Visual Arts
    Zeynep Orhan Computer Science
    Rosemary Patterson Sociology
    Andrea Pedeferri Philosophy
    Chad Rogers Psychology
    Timothy Jacob (TJ) Schlueter Computer Science
    Jordan Smith English
    Yijing Stehle Mechanical Engineering
    Strom Thacker Academic Affairs
    D. Catherine Walker Psychology
    Laura Winters Classics
    Buchin Zachary Psychology
    Leonardo Zaibert Philosophy
    Cheikh Ndiaye Modern languages
  • Staff Members
    First Last Department
    Emily Brown President's Office
    Niamya Canady Intercultural Affairs
    Tara Canniff Diving Coach
    Rochelle Caruso Career Services
    Christopher Comino Faculty
    Tonie Cross Career Services
    Daniel Gabelman Athletics
    Carol Gagliardi Dining Services
    Emma Gray Admissions
    Courtney Hall Women's Ice Hockey
    Kelli-Anne Hays Office Coordinator
    Domenic Isabell Men's Football
    Genghis Khan Religious Life
    Katie Marcella Women's Basketball
    Ashley Martinez Athletics
    Matthew Masciocchi Admissions
    Jim McLaughlin Athletics
    Amanda Morrenda Res Ed & Housing
    Paul Mound Baseball
    Laura Nardelli Track and Field
    Isabel Norman Class Deans
    Yonna Palmer Admissions
    Karen Perron Women's Soccer
    Mike Polsinelli Women's Soccer
    Adonis Richards OIA
    Samantha Soons Director of Annual Giving
    Adrianna Symicek Athletics
    Paul Tompkins Enginerring Machine Lab
    Makayla Wahaus admissions
    Phillip Wajda Communications
    Tom White Crew
    Mike Zannella Men's Hockey