Union Engineering
Ranked #23 (out of 286 total)
for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
in schools without a doctoral degree
(U.S. News and World Report)
Union Engineering
Ranked #23 (out of 286 total)
for Undergraduate Engineering Programs
in schools without a doctoral degree
(U.S. News and World Report)
A team of five mechanical engineering students brought home a second place trophy in endurance and finished ninth place overall with its custom-built “Chester’s Chariot” in the Human Powered Vehicle Challenge East sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
The Union students joined teams from 36 institutions around the world in designing and constructing a fully human powered vehicle that can be used as a model for use in underdeveloped countries and other parts of the world where modern means of transportation are not an option.
Learn more about Chester's Chariot and the students who built it
Ashok Ramasubramanian, Dean of Engineering and Co-Director of the Templeton Institute