Reconstructing the Biogeochemistry in Tropical Aquatic Ecosystems Using Elemental and Stable Isotope Tracers in Freshwater Bivalve Shells
The Flemish Science Foundation, Belgium
Effective Dates: 01/01/2014 – 12/31/2017
Project Personnel: Principal Investigator David Gillikin (Geology)
Project Summary: Aquatic ecosystems are vulnerable to changes in land use, climate, and nutrient inputs, as the material they transport is directly influenced by a range of catchment characteristics. This is particularly true for tropical systems which are under increasing stress and are sensitive early indicators of catchment modifications. Long-term datasets on aquatic biogeochemistry are virtually non-existent. An elegant method to circumvent this absence is to use well-dated biological archive to reconstruct environmental conditions. Freshwater bivalves have demonstrated the potential to store such information in their shell: the geochemical composition along the growth axis provides a history of aquatic biogeochemical and environmental conditions during the lifetime of the bivalve. The researchers have initiated detailed monitoring of a wide range of parameters on several African rivers at unprecedented temporal resolution. Collections of recent bivalves from these locations offer a unique opportunity to thoroughly calibrate at high resolution the relationship between bivalve shell and aquatic geochemistry and fine-tune the information we can extract from them. We will apply the same methodology on archived museum shells collected from the same sites up to 125 years ago. The contrasting catchments studied will provide excellent case studies of how freshwater bivalves record known (and unknown) changes in climate and/or land-use in understudied tropical catchments.
College Grants & Sponsored Programs
The Flemish Science Foundation Supports Aquatic Ecosystems Research
17 South Lane, 2nd Floor
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Theresa Polson
Associate Director of College Grants and Sponsored Programs
(518) 388-6169
Mercedes Susi
Director of College Grants and Sponsored Programs
(518) 388-6984