$118,795; NSF Petrology and Geochemistry (CH)
RUI: Diffusion studies in baddeleyite and zircon
Principal Investigator: Heather Watson, associate professor of physics and astronomy
This study focuses on the diffusion behavior of key elements in zircon (ZrSiO4) and baddeleyite (ZrO2), two minerals crucial for geochronometry, which helps determine the ages of rocks and geological events. Zircon, known for its robustness and survival of geological processes, provides valuable insights into Earth's history, with some samples preserving information from up to 4.4 billion years ago. While zircon has been extensively studied for element diffusion, some elements remain understudied, and baddeleyite lacks any diffusion data.
This research aims to fill these gaps by studying the diffusion of various elements in both minerals using advanced ion beam techniques. The goal is to enhance the understanding of the minerals' chemical and isotopic signatures over time, aiding in the interpretation of geochronometric data and thermal histories. The project will not only contribute critical data for geoscientists but also offer educational opportunities for undergraduate and high school students, including outreach programs for underserved communities. Collaborating with SUNY Albany, the project will support research in thermochronology, geochronology, and the study of early Earth and the Solar System, with potential technological applications related to zirconia.