Ask A Librarian

The library is available to help you with your research needs! Librarians can help you identify research topics and strategies, search for and evaluate sources, navigate and access library collections, and develop digital scholarship projects. If you have a question or would like to talk to a librarian about your research, please contact us using one of the methods below.

Meet with a Librarian

You can schedule an appointment with a librarian using our electronic calendar. Librarians are available Monday - Friday from 9am - 4:30pm. You can either choose the first librarian available or select a specific librarian. If you need help using the online calendar, you can email us to set up an appointment at

Ask us via U Chat

Live chat hours are between 1-4pm Monday-Thursday during Winter Term.

Email a Librarian

You can email a librarian at Librarians monitor emails between 9am and 5pm, Monday - Friday.

Questions about the Bloomberg Terminal?

If you have questions about the Bloomberg Terminal and / or Bloomberg Market Concepts, please reach out to the Bloomberg Student Consultants (BSCs), Union College students who are experienced with the Bloomberg Terminal. You can email them at or book a virtual appointment with them during their open hours.