Circulation and Reserves
How To Request a Book in Primo
Sign in to Primo using your Union College username and password.
Search in Primo for the title you wish to request. Using the drop down menu, limit your search to *Physical Items (in Schaffer Library).
Find the title that you want and click on it. Scroll down to the GET IT box in the middle of the page. Click on the button Request for Pickup at the Circulation Desk.
Click on Submit. You should get a green confirmation message indicating that your request was successfully submitted.
You will be sent an email when your request is ready for pickup. Your request will be placed on the library hold shelf (located just left of the entrance vestibule). The item will already be checked out to you when you pick it up.
Note for the beginning of terms
Due to high volume at the beginning of the term, book requests can take 24-48 hours to be processed.
*Please be advised that some titles are available in electronic format.
Borrowing and Lending Policies
Learn about lending rules, equipment and offsite material you can borrow.
Course Reserves
Course reserves are offered to both students and faculty.
Direct Access Program (DAP)
Borrowers from local libraries must have a valid DAP/CDLC card issued from a participating Capital District Library.