It's National Library Week!

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Book Spine Poetry Challenge

April 19-25 is #NationalLibraryWeek, and to celebrate, Schaffer Library is challenging you to #MakeABookSpinePoem. We're hoping this will be a fun activity to lighten these difficult days, celebrate Schaffer and the libraries in your life, and show off some of the books on your shelves. ⁠⁣

⁣Grab some books whose titles, when combined, form a poem, and stack them so that the titles form a column of poetry. (Non-English titles are great!)⁠⁣. Take a photo of your book spine poem(s) and post it on Instagram. Tag @schafferlibrary and #MakeABookSpinePoem so we can all be inspired by your work! ⁠⁣

We look forward to seeing your book spine poems in celebration of National Library Week!

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