We've hidden 25 stress-ball owls around the library. Find one, scan the QR code on the bottom, and fill out the Google form to be one of two students (along with five of their friends) to win the use of a large study room in the library during finals.
We'll even throw in a meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner), coffee, and study snacks.
We also hope the owl you find will help you de-stress and fire up your inner wisdom and knowledge for your exams! Even if you don't win, the owl is yours.
We'll select two winners on Tuesday, November 14. Good luck on the contest and on your final exams!
🔥PRO TIP: Share this post and get your friends in on it to increase your chances of winning.
(Also, DM or tag us in pics of your owl in the wild so we can see the cuteness!)
Find an Owl, Win a Study Room!
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