Schaffer Library Research Prize

Student conducting research in a chemistry lab

Research award ($500) open to all current Union College students

Schaffer Library is pleased to announce a new research prize: the Schaffer Library Research Prize. The Research Prize is awarded to a current Union College student to recognize a research project that uses library resources. The Prize will be awarded as part of Prize Day on May 10, 2025.

Questions? Email

Research Prize

Important Dates

  • Submissions open Monday February 17, 2025.
  • Submissions due (last date to submit) March 17, 2025.
  • Winner announced at Prize Day on May 10, 2025.
  • Questions? email

Application Form

Open to all current Union College students.

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Application Requirements

A committee composed of Schaffer Librarians will judge entries based on the submission of a reflective essay (500-1000 words) as well as the research project itself including the bibliography.

Submissions will be evaluated based on how well they provide evidence of the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates a broad use of library resources, including collections and services.
  • Demonstrates through use and acknowledgement of a broad set of sources appropriate for the research need.
  • Demonstrates critical reflection, iteration, and inquiry during the research process.

Please see the full rubric for more in-depth information about the judging criteria.


Library resources may be print or online books and journals; databases; primary resources such as those found in the Library’s Special Collections; and library materials in any media. Resources requested via Schaffer Library Interlibrary loan are also eligible.

  • Cash award open to all current Union College students for projects completed Spring 2024-Winter 2025.
  • Individual and group projects allowed (prize money to be shared by group)

Special Collections stacks