The two students featured in the banner are studying in the second floor stacks section. Our current Schaffer Spotlight features our final's week programs, study spaces, and research assistance in the library.
Special Study Hours / 24 Hour Study
Check out our extended study hours for the Spring finals period.
Free Coffee & Snacks
Need some extra energy to get through the rest of finals week? Be on the lookout for FREE Coffee & Snacks in the library!
Study Spaces
Discover the variety of study spaces we provide in Schaffer Library.
Ask a Librarian
Did you know that you can schedule an appointment with a librarian using our electronic calendar?
Librarians are available Monday - Friday from 9am - 4:30pm. You can either choose the first librarian available or select a specific librarian. If you need help using the online calendar, you can email us to set up an appointment at
For more research assistance options, please visit