Writers and journalists have always relied on editorial style guides to ensure correctness and consistency in a range of matters, from capitalization to spelling. To help keep all Union publications clear, consistent and effective, the Office of Communications and Marketing has compiled this style guide. We use the guidelines listed here in writing and editing all publications, press releases and Web copy.
We hope you’ll find our guide a useful source of answers about Union-specific questions as well as general style and usage with regard to abbreviations, acronyms, capitalization, hyphenations, punctuation and spelling.
In general, Union’s style guide is based on The Associated Press Stylebook, which is derived from Webster’s New World College Dictionary. In a few cases, we’ve made exceptions. When writing, it’s best to verify your style with the entries in the Union College Editorial Style Guide, the AP Stylebook and Webster’s New World College Dictionary.
When writing for academic journals or papers and industry-specific literature, please consult industry sources for the style appropriate in your publications.
For questions about our styles, please contact us at communications@union.edu
An Editorial A-Z
- Abbreviations
- Academic Ceremonies
- Academic Degrees and Honors
- Academic Departments and Programs
- Acronyms
- Administrative Departments and Offices
- Alumnus
- Athletic Teams
- Awards
- Building and Place Names
- Class Years
- Clubs
- Common Errors
- Composition Titles
- Course Names & Numbers
- Dates & Times
- Hyphenation & Spelling
- Majors & Minors
- Names & Titles
- Numerals
- Organized Entities
- Punctuation
- Seasons
- States
- Technology